lumen$45670$ - Übersetzung nach griechisch

lumen$45670$ - Übersetzung nach griechisch

Nota Praevia; Lumen Gentium; Lumen Gentium Foundation

n. μονάδα φωτισμού, μονάς φωτισμού
alimentary canal         
  • Illustration of the small intestine
  • '''19:''' Mesentery
Gastrointestinal Tract; Intestine; Intestines; Digestive tract; Bowel; Alimentary tract; Alimentary canal; GI tract; Gastro-intestinal tract; Intestinal; Guts; Gastrointestinal; Gastrointestinal system; Intestinal paralysis; Alimentary; Gastric system; Gastric System; Digestive organs; Alimentary Canal; Entrail; Entrails; Enteron; Intestinal tract; Digestive systems; GUTS; Lower gastrointestinal tract; Upper gastrointestinal tract; Upper alimentary tract; Lower Intestine; Alimentation; Lower intestines; Digestive tube; Digestive system diseases; Gastrointestinal agents; Intestinal diseases; Bowels; Gastro-intestinal; The Alimentary System; Intestinal Disease; Instestines; Gi tract; Bowlles; Gastrointestinal tracts; Digestive tracts; Alimentary canals; Alimentary systems; Intestinal lumen; Gastrointestinal function; Colon system; Gastrointestinal transit time; Gut (anatomy); Gut lumen; List of intestinal diseases; Gut (zoology); Enteric; Gastro-intestinal tract of humans; Human gastro-intestinal tract; Canalis alimentarius; Tractus digestorius; Canalis gastrointestinales; Gut tube; Intestinal ailment; Gut tract; Gastrointestinal systems; Gut tracts; Human gastrointestinal tracts; Lower gastrointestinal tracts; Upper gastrointestinal tracts; Gastrointestinal canals; Intestinal canals; Intestinal canal; Gastrointestinal canal; Human gastrointestinal tract; GI system; Éntera; Gastrointestinal transit; Draft:The gut and accessory structures
n. πεπτικός σωλήνας


·add. ·noun An opening, space, or cavity, ·esp. a tubular cavity; a vacuole.
II. Lumen ·add. ·noun A unit of light flux, being the flux through one square meter of surface the illumination of which is uniform and of unit brightness.
III. Lumen ·add. ·noun A unit of illumination, being the amount of illumination of a unit area of spherical surface, due to a light of unit intensity placed at the center of the sphere.


Lumen gentium

Lumen gentium, the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, is one of the principal documents of the Second Vatican Council. This dogmatic constitution was promulgated by Pope Paul VI on 21 November 1964, following approval by the assembled bishops by a vote of 2,151 to 5. As is customary with significant Roman Catholic Church documents, it is known by its incipit, "Lumen gentium", Latin for "Light of the Nations".

The eight chapters of the document can be paired thematically: chapters one and two treat the church's nature and historical existence, chapters three and four treat different roles in the church, chapters five and six treat holiness and religious life, while chapters seven and eight discuss the saints and Mary.